Leaders in Real Estate
Acquisition and Management
The Alliven Group maintains a diverse portfolio of select income producing properties including retail, industrial, multi-family, nursing homes, healthcare facilities, and office buildings. In addition to acquisitions and asset management, The Alliven Group proactively seeks out value-add opportunities, such as renovation and redevelopment projects. Access to a wide array of unique deals and joint venture opportunities results in a portfolio that maintains its strength in everchanging markets.
Trusted in Real Estate Since 1999
The Alliven Group is an alliance of companies that facilitates transactions in various markets. Since beginning his career in real estate more than two decades ago, our Principal, Mark Frankel has built a track record of hundreds of successful transactions and partnerships. Over the last few years, The Alliven Group has built upon those legacy portfolios, along with expanding into new frontiers in the healthcare and development industries. Our experienced team has over 25 years of real estate investment experience, across many asset classes and markets. The Alliven Group is now recognized as a premier authority in today’s competitive marketplace.